Answer of the Day:
----- Begin NetScrap(TM) -----
Answer of the Day:
"His Holy Eminence, the Maharajah of Funk,
King of all he surveys, beloved of women,
idolized by men, Sir Scott of the Bayou."
-- Answer received from a 3rd year
Harvard Law Student in response
to the following e-mail:
>To all graduating Law School students:
>HLS usually uses your full, proper name
>in the graduation program. Since many
>students don't go by these names, some
>students have requested that their name
>on the program be edited. Please let us
>know if you have any such edits. If we
>don't hear back from you, we will use what
>the Registrar's Office has on file.
----- End NetScrap(TM) -----
Entered on: 06/08/1999
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