----- Begin NetScrap(TM) -----
Art, I'm a museum curator.
Chuck, I'm a butcher.
Gene, I'm a DNA researcher.
Curt and Rod, we are in the drapery business.
Will, I'm a lawyer.
Sue. I'm also a lawyer.
Mary. I'm a justice of the peace.
Phillip, I'm a service station attendant.
Bill. I run a collection agency
Grant, I would be a loan officer.
Bill. I run a collection agency.
Mike. I'm an announcer
Toni. I'm a hair dresser.
Gail. I'm a meteorologist
John. I'm a plumber
Herb. I'm a cook.
Stu. I also cook.
Wade, I'm in swimming pool maintenance.
Rob. I'm a thief.
Woody. A Forester.
Les I'm a dietician
Harry. I'm a barber.
Iris. I'm an optomotrist
Teddy I'm in lingerie
Carol. I sing during the holidays.
Bea. I'm in the honey business..
Hugh. I'm a painter.
Jim I train boxers
Brigham I'm a chauffeur
Dean A college chancellor
Nat and Bea. We are entomologist2
Bud. I'm in flowers.
And I'm Rose. I'm a gardener.
Clarence, I specialize in end-of-season inventory closeout sales.
Manuel, I write intruction books.
Ruby and Pearl. We're jewelers.
Marshall. I'm a peace officier.
Gil. I'm a fisherman.
Avery. I raise birds.
Cliff. I'm a mountaineer.
Sherry. I'm a wine-master.
Cary. I'm a porter.
Barry. I'm an undertaker.
Chevy and Mercedes. We are car dealers. Abbie. I'm a Mother Superior.
Belle. I play the carillon.
Candy. I'm a confectioner.
Jack. I'm a banker.
Dick. I'm a plain-clothes policeman.
Bet. I'm a coupier.
Leo. A lion trainer.
Ham. I raise pigs
Otto. I'm a car mechanic.
Herald. I'm a messenger.
Ray. I'm a roentgenologist.
Faith. I'm a minister.
Bart. I drive a bus.
Frank, the Hot-Dog vendor
Holly, I'm a holiday decorator
Shelly, I'm an expert on mollusks
Rich, A successful investment banker.
Brooks. I'm an irrrigation consultant.
Tom. I bred cats.
Lute. I'm a musician.
Tellie. A gossip columnist
Victor, and I'm a winner in everything I do.
----- End NetScrap(TM) -----
Entered on: 03/18/1998
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