Numbers of the beasts
----- Begin NetScrap(TM) -----
Numbers of the beasts
333 - Number of the Demibeast or,
333 - Half-Beast, That's All I Ever Heard,
Half-Beast, How I Learned to Hate the Word. . .
665 - Number of the Wannabeast
.666 - Batting Average of the Beast
66- - Beast, Interrupted
1332 - Combined SAT Score of the Beast
(sic)(sic)(sic) - Numer of the Beest
sic! sic! sic! - Attack-Dog Exhortation of the Beast
Sikh Sikh Sikh - Number of the Turbaned Beast
$6.66 - Price of Beast Foods Mayonnaise
(HellMan's East of the Rockies)
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Entered on: 04/21/1998
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